Whistleblower Protection (Tax Office)
Internal reporting system
Vilímková Dudák & Partners Tax, s.r.o.
with registered office: Praha 8 – Karlín, Karolinská 661/4, PSČ 186 00
Reg. Nr.: 02748886
registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under No. C 223334
(dále jen „Company“)
The Company’s internal reporting system (hereinafter referred to as the “IRS”) has been established for the purpose of reporting potential violations pursuant to Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on Whistleblower Protection (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and Act No. 253/2008 Coll., on Certain Measures against the Legalization of Proceeds from Crime and Terrorist Financing (hereinafter referred to as the “AML Act”).
The IRS is intended for employees of the Company and other natural persons who, in connection with their work or other similar activities, become aware of an unlawful act that:
has the characteristics of a criminal offence,
has the characteristics of an offence for which the law provides for a fine of at least CZK 100,000,
violates the Act or violates another legal regulation or a regulation of the European Union in the area defined in Section 2(1)(d) of the Act.
The main objective of whistleblower protection is to enable the detection of unlawful conduct occurring in the workplace or in the course of work (or other similar) activities. A notification may be filed by a natural person who is or has been performing work or other similar activity under the Act in connection with which the notification is filed. A natural person who is an employee of the Company or who is engaged in activities for the Company other than in a basic employment relationship may also submit a notification anonymously.
The Company excludes from filing a notification persons who do not perform work or other similar activities for the Company under Section 2(3)(a), (b), (h) or (i) of the Act except for persons who are entitled to file a notification under the AML Act.
The competent person responsible for receiving and investigating the notification:
Ing. Hana Procházková
E-mail: whistleblowing.tax@vilimkovadudak.cz
Phone: (+420) 222 814 911
Notification can be made through the IRS:
in writing by email to:
whistleblowing.tax@vilimkovadudak.cz, which we have established solely for the purpose of receiving notices under the Act. We recommend that the notification be marked “strictly confidential”
in writing by post to:
Karolinská 661/4, 186 00 Praha 8 – Karlín
On the envelope, please indicate the following text: “Only to the hands of the Competent Person”.
orally – in person at the request of the notifier by prior arrangement
An appointment for a personal meeting can be arranged by telephone (at +420 222 814 911) or by email (at whistleblowing.tax@vilimkovadudak.cz). The competent person must receive the notification in person within a reasonable period of time (but no later than 14 days from the request).
The whistleblower may also submit its notification through the external notification system established by the Ministry of Justice (except for notifications of breach of duty under the AML Act) or to the Financial Analyst’s Office.
Upon receipt of the notification, the notifier will be notified of the receipt of the notification within 7 days of its submission. The results of the investigation and assessment of the notification shall be communicated within 30 days of receipt of the notification. In cases of factual or legal complexity, this period may be extended by up to 30 days, but not more than twice. The competent person shall inform the notifier in writing of the extension and the reasons for it before the expiry of the time limit.
All information reported through the IRS, including personal information obtained directly from an identified or identifiable whistleblower, will be treated as confidential and handled in accordance with the Act. Personal data will also be handled in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Notice, available here: Legal Notice | Vilímková, Dudák & Partners (vilimkovadudak.cz)